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Paterson Mayor Sayegh drops out of race for late Rep. Pascrell’s seat

PATERSON, N.J. — Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh has abruptly ended his bid to fill the 9th Congressional District seat of the late Bill Pascrell Jr., who died last week at the age of 87 after a month-long illness.
New Jersey Democrats are facing a crucial Thursday deadline to pick a successor to replace Pascrell on the ballot.
Political sources had told CBS News New York’s Christine Sloan that Sayegh, who has been Paterson’s mayor since 2018, was on a list of possible replacements that also included state Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter, who was close to Pascrell, state Sen. Nellie Pou, and Bergen County Commissioner Tracy Silna Zur.
Sayegh made it official on Monday. He no longer wants to be considered.
“I am encouraged by the confidence of voters that was conveyed in a recently released poll. I believe the show of support speaks to my hard work and commitment to the community. However, the current political circumstances do not allow for me to pursue a congressional bid at this time. I’ll continue to fight daily for residents and position Paterson for further progress,” Sayegh said.
In Pascrell’s district, political sources say Democratic committee chairpersons in three counties will meet Wednesday to finalize successor names for hundreds of members to vote on that night.
Billy Prempeh is the Republican candidate running for the seat. He said he’s praying for Pascrell’s family but says of the Democrats, “It doesn’t matter who they select. What is destroying the lives of the residents of the 9th Congressional District and the entire United States are the horrible policies they force on all of us.”
